
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2018

Stand Up Paddle modalities

Hi! How are you? First of all we will like you to introduce you to the diferentes Stand Up paddle modalities and wich ones we prefer to practice. As we talk in our first post ‘’welcome’’ there are so many different modalities of Stand Up Paddle : race, yoga, waves, travels,etc.. but the is only two oficial modalities that are included in the competitions, this ones are: Stand Up Paddle race (SUP race) and Stand Up Paddle surfing(SUP surf).  Let’s talk about them… Stand Up Paddle race: In this modality we use race boards that are longer and narrow than the commons one. Also their faster and there are so many differents sizes and shapes, we will talk about it in other post don't worry. Inside the SUP race we have differents kinds of races that will depend on the conditions of the sea.. When the sea is really calm we make ‘’flatwater’’ races, with no waves and any bump. When the sea is really windy and choppy we make ‘’technical races’’ that we go upwind-sidewind and downwind this


Hi!   We will like to introduce ourselves.. We are Jose  Maria, Ignacio and Carlos and we are excited to welcome you to our blog. We are sciences of physical activities and sports students, we are actually finishing our last year and we love to practice stand up paddle and other sea sports. The aim of this blog is to introduce you  in to the amazing world of stand up paddle. If you don't know about it , you can learn more  watching this introducing video.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb6jcwBCFiI We are from Alicante, a little coast city situated in the southeast of the Peninsula Iberica , in Spain. Our city is an incredible place to live because the weather, the food and obviously, our  great beaches were you can enjoy the different modalities of stand up paddle. If you´re interested  to   enjoy the weather, the friendships and the healthy environment of the sport, the stand up paddle is the perfect way to relax from work or other oppressive  things from you