Super core session!

CORE TIME !! In the following post we present a table of exercises dedicated specifically for the core. Everyone thinks that the core is only doing crunches, but the core is the entire middle part of the body and is made up of many muscles, not just the rectus abdominus, the muscles that form the core are the following: ABDOMEN (rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, abdominal transverse); LOW BACK (multifidus muscle, erector muscle of the spine, latissimus dorsi); HIP (gluteus, iliopsoas). For this exercise table we need a fitball, a bosu and a mat.
To do this training it is necessary to carry out a basic heating of joint mobility of the parts of the body that are going to work and, after a smooth 3-minute running.
Joint mobility:
- Weists rotation
- Shoulder rotation
- Hip mobility
- Flexion - extension of knees
- Ankles Rotation
Here you can watch videos or images of all exercises:
And remember, it is necessary stretch after
every session!

Check for learning more about core training:


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